The 4th ISNM Summer School is open for registration now!
(23-27, September, 2019. Tianjin)
Co-organized by
International Society for Nanomanufacturing The Centre of Micro/Nano Manufacturing Technology (MNMT)
Tianjin University Centre of Micro/Nano Manufacturing Technology (MNMT-Dublin)
University College Dublin Internationl Academy for Engineering and Technology (AET)
High Precision Manufacturing
Smart and ACSM Manufacturing
Optics & bio-medical Engineering
New energy& environmental Engineering
We highly encourage undergraduate students, graduate students, young researchers to attend.
You can register using the form below
or alternatively send the attached register form to
Looking forwad to seeing you in Tianjin!

The 4th ISNM Summer School is open for registration now!
(23-27, September, 2019. Tianjin)
Co-organized by
International Society for Nanomanufacturing The Centre of Micro/Nano Manufacturing Technology (MNMT)
Tianjin University Centre of Micro/Nano Manufacturing Technology (MNMT-Dublin)
University College Dublin Internationl Academy for Engineering and Technology (AET)
High Precision Manufacturing
Smart and ACSM Manufacturing
Optics & bio-medical Engineering
New energy& environmental Engineering
We highly encourage undergraduate students, graduate students, young researchers to attend.

The 4th ISNM Summer School is open for registration now!
(23-27, September, 2019. Tianjin)
Co-organized by
International Society for Nanomanufacturing The Centre of Micro/Nano Manufacturing Technology (MNMT)
Tianjin University Centre of Micro/Nano Manufacturing Technology (MNMT-Dublin)
University College Dublin Internationl Academy for Engineering and Technology (AET)
High Precision Manufacturing
Smart and ACSM Manufacturing
Optics & bio-medical Engineering
New energy& environmental Engineering
We highly encourage undergraduate students, graduate students, young researchers to attend.